Did you know that Etsy has greeting cards for which you can purchase PDFs to print as many times as you like? It's not as hard as it may sound, and it's much more economical than purchasing pre-made cards from the rack at a store for $5.99 or more.
If you have a color printer, a sheet of white cardstock or a pre-folded card blank, a sheet of regular printer paper, an A7 (5.25"x7.25") envelope, some good glue and/or tape, and (optionally) a sheet of glossy photo paper you have everything you need to print your own professional-looking cards at home.
The Crocheter's Astrology Card at the left, for example, comes with three PDFs:
The Card Front & Back
The Card Inside
An instruction sheet for how to print them.
The Card Front & Back
You get a PDF to print on a sheet of 8.5"x11" (standard copier size) cardstock. It looks like this, and it has cut lines printed on it so you know exactly where to trim:

The Card Inside
Just like the Front & Back, you get a PDF of the inside paper, with cut lines so that when folded the inside sheet fits just inside the folded Front & Back.

Instruction Sheet
This tells you exactly how to print and assemble your card.

If you've never before downloaded your own card to DIY, Wylde & Plumb would like to offer you this free chance to give it a go! Below please find three files to grab for FREE so you can print your own Crocheter's Astrology Card.
Have fun with these? Wylde & Plumb has a number of other cards you might enjoy, both in printed and DIY PDF downloads. Happy card-sending!
