17-25 Points
You are an enigmatic masterpiece, as intriguing as a tangle of Celtic knots and as attention-arresting as the shifting hues of a Noro colorway. Creating with yarn is a spiritual experience for you, and each piece you create is imbued with a little bit of yourself. Some people think you are shy, but that couldn't be further from the truth; often your mind is simply off on a journey of its own, exploring new worlds with a view to your future works and designs. Your stash overflows, and occasionally you wonder if you might have an obsession or addiction to this craft and its accoutrements. But soon you regain your senses, and remember that there truly is no such thing as too much yarn. When your partner complains that s/he has no room on the couch or in the closet or in the car, you simply stuff into the complainer's mouth (with a Mona Lisa smile) that cheap ball of acrylic someone gave you eight years ago. Aahhh, silence. Now you can hear yourself dream again.*
Have fun? Wylde & Plumb would love to see you again, either at our website or Facebook page or on Instagram! Pop in and say hello!
*These results are completely unscientific and only for fun. Please do not make any life decisions based on these results. Especially if they involve a smoulder-eyed lumberjack.